Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reflective framework

In the first class we participated in an activity were we showed our opinions on different and sometimes personal things. This activity stood out for me because there topics that aren't usualy talked about and it was interesting to see how peoples views differ. In todays class it was good making up a definition of what sustainability is because i wasn't too shure if what i was thinking was correct so it gave me a clearer definition of what sustainability is and what this topic is going to be all about.
I think I reacted positivly to these activitys because they were a bit unusual and they used group work, I think I work best when I can hear other peoples thoughts and ideas because it makes me more confidant in my own.
I learnt a good definition of the subject from the brainstorm activity.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your reflection Mandy. Interesting to hear. Hope you get well quickly. Please go through the Issues, NZ sustainability issues, and Positive responses slideshows. Lots of info here - not all fun to know, but important background so we can move forward. Cheers. See you Tues. anna :)
