Monday, May 4, 2009

1. Explain the concept of Sustainability

I think sustainability means a place, business or something else that has the ability to last for a long time and run effectivly without harming anyone or the natural environment. If a country was to be sustainable it would use the earth's resorces to its advantage by recycling them etc.

2. Share your views on social equality, including culture and religion
I think every one should be treated equaly in the world and all have equal opertunitys. I think people should look at other cultures as a way to learn new ways of doing things and become more tolerant as people, racism only leads to people getting hurt. I am not religious but i think comunitys and groups coming together and doing good things doesn't hurt any one. When religion becomes the focus of a persons life and they become unable to make decisions for themselves or they use their religion as a reason to be distructive I think it can be dangerous and unhealthy.

3. Share your views on the natural world
It is something that should be looked after and maintained. I think sometimes people are too woried about financial gain etc. and need to think more about the natural world before developments and things of harm to it go ahead.

4. What do you consider to be important for our world and our species?
Sustainability! getting the mesage accross that the world isnt going to be around for ever if we continue to take more from it than it can reproduce and destroy it with chemicals etc. I think it would be great if our species were able to live more naturaly without the temptations of overprocessed foods. I think it is also important for our species to work together as one rather than being seperated by religeon, race etc. and working against each other.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mandy. I enjoyed reading and can relate to your thoughts and ideas. Anna :)
